1. Since the Mayo Civic Center project received state funding, it is required to achieve a minimum 75% recycling goal of both construction demolition materials and excess scrap materials/packaging materials used in the new construction work effort. Items that will be recycled include asphalt and concrete pavements, concrete reinforcing steel bars, masonry, wood components, structural steel framing components, ceiling tiles, piping, sheet metal, lamps, ballasts, wiring, new construction materials packaging, even worker lunch debris, etc.
2. In the Rochester area, most construction demolition is typically loaded into dumpsters and taken to the Veit facility on the west side of the city for sorting, so it may appear that it is just being hauled away to be placed in a landfill but that is not the case. On the Mayo Civic Center job in particular the metal components from the building demolition are being sorted on site by Bolander, the contractor completing the demolition. The metal components are being loaded separately and taken directly to the Watson sorting facility on the north side of town for further sorting before being sold to scrap dealers around southeastern Minnesota.
3. Most concrete and masonry products are sorted, crushed, and resold for granular road or building base materials where permitted. Other products like ceiling tiles, carpets, and miscellaneous interior finish materials are typically resold from the recyclers/sorters to the original manufacturers who will recycle the materials into their new products.
4. On the Mayo Civic Center project for the month of September, Knutson Construction achieved a 72.33% recycling quantity of all materials removed from site. The bulk of the recycled materials from this point forward will be scrap and/or packaging materials associated with new construction activities. There will be some additional building demolition when work in Presentation Hall and the Civic Center Suites commences which should achieve the project's 75% recycling quantity goal.
5. For the new Mayo Civic Center Administration Offices, Knutson reused both flooring and ceiling materials and light fixtures salvaged from other demolition areas to facilitate the immediate implementation of these offices. As the work progresses towards the end in 2017, these temporarily reused materials will be replaced with the originally scheduled finish materials and the reused materials will then be recycled.